Discover the essentials of the
Appreciative Way in this fast
read format book by
Rob and Kim Voyle.
Rob is an accomplished speaker and trainer. Participants consistently rate his training programs as:
"one of the best workshops I've attended in years"
See Rob's Helpful,
Humorous, and Healing
approach to training
Dr. Kim Voyle has extensive experience in Spiritual Direction, Career Counseling, and Personnel Selection. She currently serves on the Leadership Team of Boundless Compassion.
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Discover Your Purpose |
Purchase Discover Your Purpose Retreat |
There is an age-old design concept: forms follows function.
If we want to create something or modify something first we need to know the purpose of what we are working on.
The same is true for our Lives!
In this day-long retreat you will discover and be able to articulate your core purpose.
Through the course of your life you will have many missions (jobs, volunteer positions, etc.) that enable you to manifest your purpose.
Some jobs or missions are better suited to enabling your purpose to be manifested
Stress is what we experience when we are prevented from manifesting our purpose.
For example, we often feel stress when we don't have enough time to complete a project. Upon reflection we can see that the project is a way for us to manifest our purpose..
Particularly stressful or distressing situations are the result of our purpose, and consequently "our personhood" being unwanted or rejected. These experiences are existentially alienating and can be profoundly stressful. It is also interesting to note that in these same environment that others don't feel distressed because their purpose is not being thwarted.
Many coaching clients report that what they want to achieve is greater balance in their lives. But to be in balance means to be continually in a state of tension between competing demands.
Rather than balance these demands we need to integrate them using a deeper value - namely your core purpose.
Your life will be out of balance around your core purpose. You can use your core purpose to integrate the competing demands in your life so that you don't have to live in a constant state of tension.
David Cooperrider, the founder of Appreciative Inquiry described this approach as: "Appreciative Inquiry is based on a reverence for life... More than a method or technique, the appreciative mode of inquiry is a means of living with, being with and directly participating in the life of a human system in a way that compels one to inquire into the deeper life-generating essentials and potentials of existence."
We have embodied this understanding in the Discover Your Purpose program. We have three basic assumptions:
The Discover Your Purpose retreat is developed from the Day of Discovery from the Yes!3 program.
It was developed to provide people the opportunity to discover their purpose without having to commit to the longer 5 week program.
It can be adapted to a weekend format or it can be run in one 6 hour day-long session.
The retreat materials include participant and facilitator guides
Review Discover Your Purpose Retreat Materials
To lead or facilitate the Discover Your Purpose Retreat you must complete at least one of the following programs:
View Training Schedule and Register for Workshops
If you haven't found the place inside where you cannot not do what it is you do that gives you great joy, keep looking for that which you cannot not do and go do that.
If you don't, you will simply waste your true potential, rob society of your gifts, and just make your self and the world around you miserable.
If you try to motivate people by lighting a fire under them, all you will get is burnt butts.
A much more enlightened way to motivate people is to find the fire within them and fan it.
Since we will spend the rest of our lives in the future
we need to ensure that the future we imagine and create
is the future we would prefer to live in.
Vision without action is an empty dream.
Action without vision is mindless chaos.
Vision embodied in loving action is purposeful living.