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The Appreciative Way Book Store

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All prices are in US dollars. All sales are final.

Electronic Books and Resources

These books and resources are available in electronic ".pdf" format for instant access and reading.
After you have purchased an electronic resource you will be redirected to a download page.

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Item Description Price  Qty    
Core Elements of the Appreciative Way

Core Elements of the Appreciative Way

Descriptions of the underlying assumptions, perceptions, and concepts of the Appreciative Way. This resources expands the appreciative approach from organization development into the moment by moment decisions that occur in daily living. Read More >>

Only available in electronic "pdf" format for instant reading.

Restoring Hope: Appreciative Strategies to Resolve Grief and Resentment: eBook Version

Restoring Hope: Appreciative Strategies to Resolve Grief and Resentment: eBook Version

Electronic Version. See below for paper version
209 electronic "pdf" page manual with extensive exercises and scripts for resolving trauma, grief, and resentment. Rather than talking about the importance or need for hope this book will teach you how to restore someone's hope! Includes access to online exercises and recordings. Read More >>

Creating Cultures of Excellence: An Appreciative Inquiry Based Guide to Mutual Ministry Reviews

Creating Cultures of Excellence: An Appreciative Inquiry Based Guide to Mutual Ministry Reviews

Change your paradigm from annual performance reviews to creating continual improvement and a culture of excellence.
Contains an overview of the Appreciative Way and its application to enhancing and enriching entire congregations, specific ministries, or individual employee performance. Read More >>


Printed Books and Resources

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Item Description Price  Qty    
Restoring Hope: Appreciative Strategies to Resolve Grief and Resentment

Restoring Hope: Appreciative Strategies to Resolve Grief and Resentment

209 page manual with extensive exercises and scripts for resolving trauma, grief, and resentment. Rather than talking about the importance or need for hope this book will teach you how to restore someone's hope! Includes access to online exercises and recordings. Read More >>

Yes! Participant's Guide

Yes! Participant's Guide

Yes! is a 5 week study program designed to help people discover their personal core purpose and to understand the core elements of the Appreciative Way for daily life and work.
The Participant's Guide comes with access to a copy of the Core Elements of the Appreciative Way. Read More >>

Yes! Facilitator's Guide

Yes! Facilitator's Guide

The facilitator's guide provides lecture notes for leading the the Yes! program.
The facilitator's guide comes with a copy of the Participant's Guide and Core Elements of the Appreciative Way. Read More >>


Online Library Subscriptions

Access to the following online library subscriptions must be purchased separately from bookstore items.

Assessing Skills and Discerning Calls: Congregation and Diocese/Conference/Synod Version

Assessing Skills and Discerning Calls: Congregation and Diocese/Conference/Synod Version

Complete Search Manual online as extended library of resources accessible by members of a congregation in the search for a rector or pastor or for a diocese/conference/synod seeking a bishop or conference minister. The resources will guide the process from exit interviews of the incumbent to the calling of their replacement.
Subscription price determined by average worship attendance. Read More >>


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Assessing Skills and Discerning Calls: Consultant's Version (Electonic Library Subscription)

Assessing Skills and Discerning Calls: Consultant's Version (Electonic Library Subscription)

Comprehensive Search Manual (380 pages) providing Appreciative Inquiry based strategies to take a congregation from an Exit Interview, through creating a transitional ministry, engaging in an appreciative inquiry visioning process, setting search criteria, assessing candidate skills, and discerning a call.

Subscription provides access to ongoing updates.

See above for congregational and diocesan/conference versions that allow multiple copying for use within an organization. Read More >>

Teach Your Congregation How To Forgive

Teach Your Congregation How To Forgive

Five Sermon Outlines
Five Adult Forum Guides
to teach your congregation how to forgive.
An ideal Lenten program based on Rob Voyle's book Restoring Hope: Appreciative Strategies to Resolve Grief and Resentment
Program cost is by donation. Read More >>


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