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Clergy Search

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Appreciative Way Library: Clergy Search Subscription

Save time and energy while equipping your Search Committee!

Subscription Version: Please select the version you wish to subscribe to:

  Congregation Version   Average Weekly Attendance*

Cost is based on $1 per average weekly attendance with a minimum of $50 and capped at $400.

Subscription allows complete copying and printing for use within a congregation as they search for a new rector/pastor/minister. Subscription is not transferable to other congregations .

  Diocese / Synod / Conference / Presbytery, Bishop or Adjudicatory Search

Cost is $400. Subscription allows complete copying and printing for use within a diocese /synod / conference / presbytery as they search for a new bishop, conference minister, or adjudicatory leader. Subscription is not transferable to congregations or other entities.

  Consultatant Version

Cost is $150. Subscription allows limited printing of exercises and templates for use with the consultant's clients. Subscription is not transferable to congregations or other entities.

* Average Weekly Attendance

Calculate the total number of people who attend worship (Sunday and Weekday) services during a typical week. This figure is typically reported in annual statistics and will also be used in the congregation's profile to communicate to potential candidates the size of the worshipping community. Count each person only once if they attend multiple services.