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The Appreciative Way
Enabling Innovation at the Speed of Life           
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Welcome to Yes!3

The Appreciative Way

The Career Coach

The Appreciative Way

The Dr. Kim Voyle is the Founder and Director of Pathfinders Career Services.

>>   Career Coaching With Kim

The Clergy Coach

Rob Voyle

The Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle is a leader in the development and use of appreciative coaching in his work with clergy.

>>   Coaching With Rob

                  About the Yes!3 Program

a Life of

Vision without action is an empty dream.
Action without vision is mindless chaos.
Vision embodied in loving action is purposeful living.

Since we will spend the rest of our lives in the future
we need to ensure that the future we imagine and create
is the future we would prefer to live in.

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Yes!3 Is Not Your Ordinary Christian Education Program

Yes!3 is an experiential study program designed to use the participants' faith resources (however those resources are perceived and understood) in the pursuit of creating a life in which they can say Yes! to God, Yes! to their neighbor and Yes! to themselves, without significant reference to the content of that faith.

Yes!3 is not intended as a Christian formation program and does not explore, nor concern itself with theological issues such as the trinity or salvation, etc. It is not that these are unimportant, they are just not the focus of this program.

Yes!3 can be used by people with liberal or conservative, traditionalist or contemporary, or any other theological perspective as it is designed to use a person's theological perspective rather than as a means to convert people to a specific theological perspective.

Congregational Vitality

Congregational life and vitality occurs at the synergistic crossroads of the organization's purpose and the individual purposes of its members. The life and energy of a church community is determined by the mutual extent to which the organization relevantly serves the individual purposes of its members and the extent to which the individuals serve the organization's purpose. This requires knowledge of two things:

  • What is the congregation's purpose?
  • What are the individual purposes of the members within the congregation?

Our experience of coaching and consulting with individuals and congregations indicates that the answers to both of these questions are poorly known and lived. Yes!3 is designed to answer the second of these questions.

Growing Appreciative Cultures

We work extensively with church leaders teaching them to use appreciative inquiry processes in their leadership of congregations. The positive appreciative way is often very different from many of the current problem focused approaches to congregational development.

Yes!3 is designed to help foster and grow an appreciative culture throughout the congregation so that both the leadership and congregation are aligned in their outlook and approach to growing congregational life that is vibrant and generative. Please see the Appreciative Inquiry pages for more information about the appreciative way.

About the Authors: Rob and Kim Voyle

Yes!3 is written and produced by the Rev. Dr. Robert J. Voyle, the Director of the Clergy Leadership Institute and Dr. Kim Voyle, the Director of Pathfinder Career Services.

Rob is a leader in the use of appreciative inquiry, upon which Yes!3 is based, in church settings and in individual coaching. His personal purpose and way of saying Yes!3 is by being "helpful, humorous, and healing."

Kim has extensive experience in personnel selection and career counseling. Her way of saying Yes!3 is by walking with people on the path to meaningful, authentic work.

Together, Rob and Kim have developed Yes!3 to provide people the process and resources to discover and develop a life that flows authentically from the core of their being and is sustainable in the world they live.